Chinese Warty Newt
The Chinese Warty Newt is a member of the salamander group and is endemic to China. They are thus named because of their rough and choppy toad-like skin that reminds of warts.
Scientific Name – Paramesotritonchinensis
Classification – Paramesotriton
Gender Names – Male – boar; Female – sow; Baby – eft
Collective Noun – Herd, congress
Length/Size – 3.5 to 6 inches (9 to 15 cm)
Life Expectancy – More than 5 years;around 10 in captivity
Special Features – The males are somewhat shorter than the females
Geographical Distribution – In different parts of Central China including Zhejiang, Guangxi, Fujian, Chongqing, Anhui, Guangdong, and Hunan
Natural Habitat – Like marshy or moist areas of the tropical and subtropical lowlands and forests
Conservation Status – Least Concern
Diet – White and black worms, daphnia, shrimps, algae, tadpoles and small invertebrates
Predators – Larger birds and fishes, snakes and cats