

Scientific Name Orycteropus afer

Classification – Orycteropus

Gender Names – Male –  Aardvark; Female –  Aardvark; Baby – Cub

Collective Noun – Aarmory

Length/Size – 3.44–4.27 ft

Weight – 60 – 80 kilograms

Speed – 38-42km/h

Life Expectancy – Around 10 years; up to 23 years in captivity

Social Structure – Generally solitary; social interactions are uncommon. In case males and females meet, they spend a short time sniffing each other and then leave. If sexual interests are displayed, interactions might last longer

Mating Season  Between April and May

Pregnancy – 7 months

Special Features  Digs extremely fast to hide from predators

Geographical Distribution – Sub-Saharan Africa

Natural Habitat – Savannas, grasslands, woodlands and bushland

World Population – Not estimated

Conservation Status – Least Concern (though population seems to be decreasing)

Diet – Exclusively ants and termites; Aardvark cucumber is the only plant matter consumed

Predators – Lions, leopards, African wild dogs, pythons