Asian Lion

Asian Lion

Scientific Name Panthera leo persica

Classification – Panthera

Gender Names – Male – Lion; Female – Lioness; Baby – Cub

Collective Noun – Pride

Length/Size – 111-113 in approx

Weight – 160 to 190 kg

Top Speed – 80 km/h

Life Expectancy – 10 – 14 years; more than 20 years in captivity

Social Structure – Live in prides of 2-5 individuals, with most of the prides having two females and one male. The male generally spends time in solitude, and only connect to the females when out for a large prey, and during mating

Pregnancy – 110 days

Special Features  Prefer large prey species within a weight range of 190 to 550 kg

Geographical Distribution – India (primarily in the Gir Forest, Gujarat)

Natural Habitat – Forest

World Population – About 350 individuals

Conservation Status – Endangered

Diet – Carnivorous

Predators – None